Sunday, July 13, 2014


Technology, when used as a tool to enhance the learning process, is an important part of the educational landscape. The Horizon Report of 2011 revealed technological trends that affect teaching and learning, and it revealed why they are important. The conclusions reached indicate that, in order to prepare students for the increasingly collaborative world of work and the need for digital media literacy in every profession, it is imperative that educators use technology in the classroom in productive manners.
Curriculum Differentiation
  • Meeting the needs of a diverse classroom of students has always been a challenge. Technology allows you to differentiate instruction based on the learning style or instructional level of the students. Assign projects to students with a choice of how to demonstrate learning. Allow students to choose from technology-based products to create a movie, make a PowerPoint presentation or design a website. Other students might use other means, such as writing a play or writing a traditional paper. Allowing for individual differences tends to help the non-traditional students achieve. In addition, investigate distance-learning courses that feature academically challenging courses available to gifted students with qualifying test scores. These students can use computers to access course work in lieu of attending class.
  • Assessment Tools for Teachers

    • Use assessment software that allows you to conduct quick one-to-one assessments and receive results immediately on a mobile device. With the results of the assessment, you can then track progress and use the program to help determine the resources and strategies that work best for the child. For students in the upper grades, electronic portfolios are an important evaluation tool. Electronic portfolios help engage students in the learning process by allowing them to upload and display their work to selected audiences.

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